Investing Insights

Emergency Fund: What Is It, Why and How Much of It Should You Have?

In 2023-24, many IT companies and start-ups laid off many employees. The IT companies had to lay off people as the demand or discretionary spending pickup in their major market, i.e. the US, was not as strong as expected. The start-ups had to lay off people as they were not able to raise subsequent round(s) of funding due to the funding winter. In both scenarios, people who lost jobs were left in the lurch. As the IT and start-up sectors were going through a soft patch, it was difficult for these people to either get new jobs or at the same/better pay package.

Succession Planning: What Is a Will, Terms Related to It, and How to Make It?

As per Indian succession laws, on the death of an individual, their assets are distributed among the legal heirs. The legal heirs are categorised into various classes and are listed in the sequence in which they can claim the assets. However, what if you want to distribute your assets to other people along with your legal heirs?

How can credit card rewards help you book flight tickets for your vacation?

Family vacations are one of the best ways to take a break from your busy work schedule, rejuvenate yourself, and return to work with a fresh start. Many people realise the importance of vacations and have included 1-2 vacations in a year as part of their goal list.

Ways of Saving Money on a Home Loan

Purchasing a house with a home loan is one of the biggest financial commitments an individual makes during their lifetime. Usually, a home loan tenure ranges from five to thirty years. The longer the tenure, the higher the interest amount an individual pays.

How to Plan for Your Annual Vacation Goal?

Annual family vacations are something that most of us look forward to these days. What is your dream vacation destination? It is visiting a hill station/water park in the summer, chilling on the beach in winter, drenching in the waterfalls on a ghat/valley in the monsoons, scaling mountain peaks or exploring marine life with deep sea diving.

8 Wealth Creation Lessons to Accelerate Your Financial Planning Journey

Everybody desires to create wealth to fulfill their financial goals. The financial planning journey to fulfilling goals is a long-term journey spanning years or decades. During this long journey, wealth creation lessons can act as a guiding force and accelerate the journey.

Best Ways for NRIs to Invest in Indian Equities

India is an oasis of growth in a desert. India has a huge NRI population, with millions of them living in various developed and developing countries across the world. While these NRIs stay and earn income in various countries, they face the challenge of limited investment opportunities in most developed countries.

Child Education Planning - Why Is It Important, and How to Plan For It?

Every parent aspires to send their children to the best college/institute for higher education. However, most of the time, the best college comes with a high price tag. Considering the higher number of students applying for admission and the limited supply of seats with good colleges, the competition is very high.

Successful Investing – 5 Incredible Learnings From the Past 20 Years

The year was 2001 and Atul, an avid investor, was all geared up to secure his retirement. He was 40 years old then and his retirement was 22 years away. He started investing Rs. 25,000/- every month systematically in an equity mutual fund… Before I reveal the outcome of Atul’s investing journey, let us dive into some valuable investing lessons of the past 20 years.

Ways of Repaying a Home Loan Early and Saving Interest

Everybody aspires to buy their dream home at some stage in life. But, for most people, a dream home purchase with their own money is not possible due to the huge amount involved. Hence, most people have to resort to taking a home loan.

10 Things to Consider when Buying a Term Life Insurance Policy

If you are the sole earning member or one of the earning members of your family, you need to buy term life insurance. Your life insurance policy is a financial backup for your family in the event of your untimely demise.

Passive Income: What Is It, Sources, Benefits, and How to Build It?

Legendary investor Warren Buffett is well known for his financial quotes. Let us list two of his quotes. He said: "If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die". He also said: "Never depend on a single income. Make investment to create a second source".