Investing Insights

Two Interesting Mutual Fund investing “thumb rules”

Read this blog to learn interesting thumb rules that can help you compare one time as well as SIP investments. To know more, Visit FinEdge Now!

Here's Why ELSS Investment is Better Than PPF & NSC

Read this blog to learn why ELSS is better investment option than PPF & NSC. Besides tax savings, it offers capital appreciation. To know more ELSS mutual funds, visit FinEdge now!

The Rule of 72... and an interesting corollary for monthly savers!

Rule of 72 is an easy way to calculate how long it's going to take to double your money at given annual rate of return & vice versa. To learn more, visit FinEdge now!

How are Mutual Fund SIP Returns Calculated?

Read this blog to learn how are Mutual Fund SIP returns are calculated? To know more about how SIP returns are calculated, visit FinEdge now.

Three Smart Things To Do With Rs 50,000

Read this blog to learn 3 powerful ways in which you can put your 50,000 Rs to good use towards your financial betterment. To know more, visit FinEdge now!

Should you surrender your LIC Policy, make it paid up, or continue?

Read this blog to know what you should do with your LIC policy, make it paid up, or continue it or surrender it. To know more, visit FinEdge now!

Why Women should aim for Financial Independence

Women and financial independence have become increasingly important topics in recent years, as women continue to strive for more recognition and autonomy in the workplace, and in society at large.

How FinEdge is leveraging Tech during the COVID-19 pandemic

We are currently in the midst of unprecedented times. As the COVID-19 pandemic brings the world to a literal standstill, Financial Advisors are scrambling to find their feet and continue serving their customers. To add fuel to the fire, equity markets witnessed a selloff of unrivalled proportions as fear and panic took over right after the lockdown began. During the past month of the crisis, FinEdge has proudly continued to deliver high quality Financial Advice to customers, while ensuring the complete safety of its employees. Here are some ways in which leveraging on technology has helped us in our endeavours.

How to Make Your SIP Investments Work for You

Fuelled by AMFI’s impactful “Mutual Funds Sahi Hai” campaign, Mutual Fund SIP’s have witnessed massive traction over the past few years. In fact, monthly SIP flows of the industry has had a giant leap in the past few years to almost Rs. 14,000 crores. If you’re a Mutual Fund SIP investor, here are four ways to make them work for you.

4 Tips to Achieve Your Financial Goals Through SIP’s

The ubiquitous “Mutual Funds Sahi Hai” campaign has fuelled an increased interest in Mutual Fund SIP’s (Systematic Investment Plans) over the past few years. The industry’s monthly SIP inflows stood at Rs. 15,814 crores as on August 23 as Mutual Fund assets grew significantly over the past five years. If you’re one of the thousands of investors who are using SIP’s to achieve their financial goals, here are four things to keep in mind.

When should you start with Retirement Planning?

Don’t be fooled by all those advertisements featuring retired couples sipping cocktails on a sunny beach. Retirement Planning is serious business; and a mix of social, cultural, and economic factors are making it a more critical element of your financial planning with every passing day. Unfortunately, recent research also shows that only about 50% of us are habitually saving for our retirement planning.

5 Reasons to Get Professional Help for Retirement Planning

Retirement planning is an important financial decision that can have a huge impact on one’s financial future. It requires careful planning and analysis in order to ensure that one’s retirement savings are maximized and that one’s retirement lifestyle is secure. Unfortunately, many people attempt to tackle this process on their own, without the help of a professional. This can be a mistake, as there are many reasons to get professional help for retirement planning.